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10 Essential Products for a Newborn

August 7th, 2020
10 Essential Products for a Newborn
Looking in a baby department at the vast array of clothing and equipment can certainly be daunting! Many of the baby magazines and websites have long lists of all the ‘essentials’ you will need, but in reality most are ‘optional’ rather than ‘essential’ and if you are on a limited budget, this can be really useful to know. As well as drawing up your own list, it is well worth having a cuppa with other new mums to discover what items they couldn’t live without!

Although there may be months until your baby’s birth, it is well worth starting to shop in good time as this will help spread the cost and also because you will find it physically easier. An important point too, is that If you decide on a certain colour pram or a particular cot, it may have to be ordered and the delivery time can be several weeks. If you are hoping to buy some secondhand items, these can take time to source – especially as you will want to buy top quality items that have been little used. Ebay (and similar) , newspaper ads, charity shops and friends with older children are all good hunting grounds!

Get your list of essentials prepared in good time as parents and other close relatives may well want to buy one of the items for you – how lovely!

Some of the essential items like car seats, need a little research beforehand to ensure that you buy the one that best suits you. Safety is of paramount importance, so check that your chosen model has received good reviews.

The Top 10 Essentials

1. The Car Seat

This is definitely in the top slot as you will not be able to leave the hospital with your baby if you do not have a suitable car seat for them to travel home in. You need to buy a well known make, that has received really good reviews. The car seat needs to be easy to get in and out of your car and should have easy clean covers. It is possible to buy a car seat second hand (however this is one essential you really should skimp on) and you really need to examine it to ensure it hasn't been involved in a crash and has been well looked after and you need to check that it comes with all the correct anchorage fittings.
The Joie Juva Classic is a good one to start with for going home from the hospital and then moving to the Joie iSpin as it's such a convenient seat to get little ones in and out of the car, there is a huge range at Argos to choose from
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2. Baby Cot

A quality baby cot will see you through until your baby is old enough for their first bed. The cot should have a ‘kitemark’ for safety which demonstrates that the bars are the correct distance apart and the correct height. As well as the cot, you will need a good quality safety mattress, sheets and either cellular blankets or a machine washable baby duvet.

Many parents do not put their newborn in their cot to begin with as it seems so vast, so many use a moses basket or carrycot until their baby is several months old. If you choose to use either, check that it has a quality safety mattress.
If money is no object this Rustic Oak Rocker Cot is a perfect buy Click Here to Buy
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3. Changing Mat

Boy are there going to be plenty of nappies to change! Having a large baby mat makes life really easy and having one with raised sides and end means that your baby cannot roll off – although having said that, never leave your baby unattended because they soon become proficient at moving like a caterpillar! When you first bring your baby home, it is nice to have a folded towel on the changing mat so that the plastic does not feel cool to your baby.

If you are planning to buy a baby bag to transport everything you need for your baby, many of these do have a built-in changing mat and you might like the idea of using this the whole time either on the bed or table – the bonus is that you will have all the baby wipes, nappy cream etc. right next to you in the bag itself.
This changing mat was hands down one of the best ones ever for stopping my baby boy from rolling around and making a mess Click Here to Buy
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4. A Mountain of Nappies!

You will have to make the decision whether you are going to use terry nappies or disposable – or the best solution of a ‘combo’! Whatever you have decided, give yourself a treat and plan to use disposables for the first ten days or so whilst you get into the swing of being a mummy!

Trial and error will help you decide which brand of disposables suit you and your baby best, so at this stage, buy a couple of packs of disposables and a couple of boxes of nappy sacks for easy disposal. You will need 12-18 terry nappies, but there are so many new styles of nappy on the market it is well worth taking your time to decide which type will suit you best.
When you see them on offer like £4.50 a pack at Tesco make sure you grab as many as you can Click Here to Buy
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5. Feeding Kit

Once you have decided whether you would like to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby, you can plan accordingly! It is well worth giving plenty of thought to the subject and to resist the inevitable pressure you will get in favour and against both! If you are planning to bottle feed, you will need a sterilising unit, bottles, brushes and sterilising tablets – plus a few muslin squares for when babe sicks back some of their feed – and they all do!

If you have decided to breastfeed you will need some good supporting nursing bras which you cannot get too far in advance as you will not know your final size, cream for sore nipples is wonderful and a small box of breast pads in case you are ‘leaky’. Any other pearls of wisdom? Yep, with each of my babies, I have got to the point where the feeding has not been going so well, they are not satisfied and want to keep feeding – at that point, you do think ‘can’t go on, need to switch to bottles’ and at that lowest ebb, suddenly all is fine and 24 hours later the whole thing has become a doddle!
There is a Baby Event on at Boots right now with some Bottle Packs down to Half Price Click Here to Buy
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6. Baby Clothes

When it comes to clothing, buy very few newborn and first size items. If your baby is a bonny babe (like my son!), they may never fit the ‘newborn’ size and babies whizz through the sizes super fast anyway! You will be given some lovely outfits by friends and most of these will be in the first sizes. I was given 12 dresses when my elder daughter was born, so I took half of them back to the shop and swapped them for the size she would be wearing the following summer – good move!

Think easy clothing and buy items that really are easy to wash and do not require ironing to look good. If your baby is born in the summer, all in one vests are perfect and you can get some lovely coloured and patterned ones. For winter babies, all-in-one suits are great and need not be just for bedtime as they look lovely with a little cardigan or sweater over the top for daytime wear.

The main investment for a winter baby will be a really cost snowsuit to keep them warm.

It is best to just buy the minimum of vests and all-in-one suits because you really will be given so many lovely gifts , so you can top up a few weeks after your baby’s birth.
Right now is a great time to get some Summer Clothing for next year as there is up to 60% OFF Babywear at Joules and it's all beautiful Click Here to Buy
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7. Carry Sling

These have been a perennial favourite with mums because they are so practical and versatile. Your baby will love being snuggled in close to you and you will find that if they are having a fractious time, popping them into the sling could soothe them as it represents to them warmth and security and babies just love to be carried. Babies can be carried in a sling from a very early age and there is a good range on the market from the most basic designs to those that can be worn in a variety of ways and can accommodate breastfeeding. Slings are comfortable for parents to wear and as well as carrying your baby in a sling to go shopping, it is also a great way to do the vacuuming and dusting. Dads can get involved with skin on skin bonding too!
The Ergobaby Wrap for Mums looks super stylish Click Here to Buy
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8. Pushchair

Whilst many parents opt for a pram, if you decide not to, you will need a way to easily transport your baby around town when you prefer not to use the baby sling. There are so many different buggies to choose from, that you will definitely have to give this purchase plenty of thought! Some models are very basic and suitable for older babies and toddlers, whilst others are adjustable so that they can be fully reclines for a baby to lie in. Some are easy to collapse and are light and can be quickly popped into a car boot whilst others are larger, heavier and more unwieldy – it is all down to personal choice. There will be some accessories that you will want to buy too like sun parasol and waterproof coverings plus a shopping tray for underneath the seat (providing it does not get in the way of collapsing the stroller).
The Ocarro Pushchair - Simply Luxe is one of my favourites , it even comes with sheepskin liner and hand mitts, it's quite pricey but if money is no object it's the ultimate in comfort travel Click Here to Buy
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9. Baby Monitor

These gadgets are really easy to use and are reassuring – especially for first time parents as your baby’s movements are audible and some monitors have a screen so that you can see how your baby is sleeping. Baby monitors ensure that you don’t have to keep popping to see that your baby is OK as a quick glance or listen and you will know. Baby monitors are great to use when you have friends or family visiting and can also be used when you're staying away from home.
There's a really great choice of ones for all budgets at Argos Click Here to Buy
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10. Floor Playmat

Instead of buying a baby playmat, of course you can use a towel or blanket on the floor, but the playmats are colourful, fun and will be entertaining for your baby. They are quick to fold up and can be used wherever you go and are perfect for a visit to the park or to grandparents.
This Butterfly one is adorable and it's not a bad price either Click Here to Buy
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Chrissie x

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