How to survive your children during school breaks
July 1st, 2018

With the holidays, comes breaks from school. While this may sound glorious, no lunches to make. No alarms to set. Then, reality sets in. Running, screaming children for 1 1/2 weeks with no break... ahh. Happy New Year, right?!
To refrain from losing your mind, here are some ideas!
To refrain from losing your mind, here are some ideas!
- Structured play. Plan some activities. They don’t have to be elaborate plans, but a morning of play doh or a movie afternoon may give a little added downtime.
- Go outside. As long as the temperatures aren’t sub-zero and the kids are appropriately bundled, some fresh air will help them burn off excess energy and tire them out! Join in with them and make a snowman!

- Have a family day out. Again, nothing elaborate needs to happen but a day of ice skating or taking a drive looking at Christmas lights can provide some fun family bonding time.
- Count your blessings. Above all, sit back and look at your beautiful children and be thankful for the life that you have created. Even when they drive you up the wall, they love you whole-heartedly and that very thought is very humbling.
Enjoy the extra family time this week and start the year off positively! Happy New Year!
Natalie x