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Top 15 New Years Resolutions: Things We All Need To Do

December 23rd, 2017
Top 15 New Years Resolutions: Things We All Need To Do
As the year draws to a close we must start thinking about how we are going to start the new one. New Year's resolutions are a popular way of starting your new year the right way, with a positive attitude and the hope you’ll succeed. I’ve come up with a few resolutions I think everyone should try every now and again, maybe one will be your goal for 2018?

Take a read…
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1. Try taking a break from life. Sometimes things get very stressful and can get on top of you. Allow 2018 to be the year you take a break and a have a Kit Kat.

2. Stop hating yourself. Self-confidence is so attractive. If you have insecurities, sort them. Everything in terms of your self-esteem can be altered, even if it takes a lot of hard work.

3. Eat the chocolate. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you don’t want it, life is too short.

4. Take mental health seriously. If anyone tells you about their problems then try and get them help. Similarly if you feel you could do with seeing someone then go see a doctor or talk to someone you trust.

5. Be more active, it’s good for your body and mind.
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6. Love your family and friends. It’s not hard! If they’re there for you then why shouldn’t everyone get along?

7. Live every moment, take a deep breath and live the moments.

8. Learn a new skill, try enjoying things a little more in 2018 and take up a new skill. You might even be able to impress your friends too!

9. Give up a bad habit. Similar to improving your mental health and ability, give up a bad habit in the coming year. Maybe smoking or drinking?

10. Read more, it’s a hobby that will always be with you. Readers are some of the best types of people I have ever met.
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11. Start saving money. If you’re normally bad with money then get your act together and start saving those pennies, that mortgage isn’t going to save for itself!

12. Learn a new language. It’s amazing how respected you are if you go to a country and you can speak their language. Maybe you could start learning a new language in your spare time of 2018.

13. Stop being late. It’s a bad habit and it must be stopped till it gets too bad.

14. Get over an ex. Can’t seem to move on from that horrible ex? We’ve all been there, take some time out over the next few months and start your 2018 by getting over them. You don’t need no man (or women!)

15. Start caring. Use 2018 to become someone who remembers birthdays, occasions and anniversaries, it’s such a kind gesture to just remember. You’ll enjoy everything so much more if you start caring a little bit more.
Do you have any new years resolutions you'll be making for 2018? Let us know!

Olivia x

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