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Is your Elf on the Shelf Naughty or Nice this year? Some fun Ideas for you......

November 28th, 2017
Is your Elf on the Shelf Naughty or Nice this year? Some fun Ideas for you......
So Elf on the Shelf is just days away. Pretty soon panicking parents will be waking up at 2am saying, "I forgot to move the elf!". But will your Elf be on the naughty or nice list this year?
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A good Elf will get all the Ingredients prepared for you and the little ones to bake Christmas cookies to share with the neighbours. A bad Elf will crap chocolate Rolos all over them...
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If you’ve got yourself a nice Elf, it might wrap up a gift to take to the local homeless shelter or elderly neighbour and so on. If not, well, you might just find your toilet covered in gift wrap!
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A kind, hardworking Elf may collect a few items of rubbish from the surrounding area and encourage your little ones to do the same...a naughty Elf however may well toilet paper your house!
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If your elf is a sociable sort, they might suggest visiting the elderly to brighten someone’s day. If they are a bit too sociable however, you may need to hope Barbie is on Birth control!
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A sweet natured Elf with a mind for education might suggest writing a letter to a family member. A naughty Elf however might just write it’s own message....in toothpaste!
Here’s hopin whatever Elf you have, it brings fun and joy to your home. Share any other favourite ideas below in the comments!

Hayley x

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