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Cute Ways to Celebrate New Year with the Kids

November 8th, 2017
Cute Ways to Celebrate New Year with the Kids
Yey. New Year is approaching. A night of champagne, staying up late, champagne, singing improvised words to Auld Lang Syne, champagne and maybe even snogging at midnight.
Oh wait...I have kids.
The Night Garden, a cuppa and arguments over bedtime it is then. Hmph!
Don’t despair though! We’ve put together five fun ideas to do with the kids this New Years Eve (plus there’s nothing to stop you enjoying a few glasses of champers too!)

Make a mocktail

Why not spend the early evening mixing up some child friendly mocktails? The kids will have loads of fun dressing up drinks with little umbrellas and chopped fruit (totally counting that towards our five a day). These definitely make for an exciting way to see in the New Year and great for nursing mums and on duty drivers too?
Check out recipe ideas here Click Here to Buy
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Say cheese

A great way to celebrate the New Year and capture some memories is to set up a photo booth for the night. Get the kids involved with cutting out and making props and then enjoy an evening if silliness as you all take turns posing for the camera! There’s some great free printable props available here: Click Here to Buy
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Strike a pose

While you’re at it, why not make the occasion extra special by dressing up a bit glam for the occasion? You could even make a ‘cat walk’ for your little cherubs to strut their stuff down (be sure to play some Vogue music in the background!) For added fun let the kids select the grown ups an outfitter model too...after all, who knew your little black dress would go so well with your Snoopy socks and a pair of fairy wings?

Make a time capsule

I recently did this with my five year old and we had so much fun. We used on old plastic container and went around the house selecting things that he wanted to put in it to remember important things. He put in a few photos, a coin, a magazine cover and some other bits and bobs. Nothing that would shock the world if it were to be dug up in a few decades time, but he thoroughly enjoyed the process.
There are some detailed instructions here if you’re not sure how to get started. Click Here to Buy
Dance the night away
It really doesn’t matter if it’s just two of you, four point two children, or a whole herd of you...getting your groove on is bound to add that feel good factor to any celebrations. Put together a mix of your favourite tracks and the kids favourites and get those dancing shoes on. With any luck they’ll be so worn out from all the dancing they’ll be ready for bed before you!
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Any more celebration ideas you’d add to the list? Share them in the comments below.

Hayley x

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