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Supplements Mums NEED To Cope With A Hectic Life

July 25th, 2017
Supplements Mums NEED To Cope With A Hectic Life

Being a mum means you are prone to feeling run down very easily. However, because you’re so busy running a house, working, looking after your children (not to mention the other child – the husband or other half) you just don’t have time for illness! Oh no, long gone are the days you’d take off sick from work when you had a little sniffle…you can’t afford to stay in bed or relax on the sofa with a box of Milk Tray. Who else is going to cook dinner? Who’s going to do the school run or help with homework? Who’s going to sit at a desk trying to earn a pretty penny? You! So stock up on these great supplements and keep coughs, colds, flu and other viruses at bay.

Do remember, supplements are not a replacement for a healthy meal. You should always eat a healthy diet which should include a balance of protein, carbs and good fats. If you eat well, you should be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. However, let’s be honest – how many of us mums simply grab and go? I know I’m a victim of not cooking proper lunch or eating breakfast because I’m too busy rushing around getting the kids ready for school. I also snack because I get hungry and I never sit down (I really mean it!) so when I eat, it’s on the hop. Dinner time is a big deal in our house because I do cook…for the kids and other half but by the time my husband’s home from work, I serve him his dinner and flop on the sofa, too exhausted to eat mine. So I’m terrible and I’m sure my health would suffer if it wasn’t for my magical cupboard full of supplements!

Remember, vitamins and minerals play a vital role in keeping the immune system working properly, they boost energy levels and help you to feel well rather than lethargic. They also help your skin to look good, hair to shine and nails to grow. Some people just need an extra boost, despite eating very healthily. If this sounds familiar, your doctor should be able to advise you if you feel you do everything possible to be healthy but you still suffer from mild illness, brittle nails, bad hair days etc. I do believe supplements work. I take them every day religiously.

So here’s what you should add to your shopping list this week, start taking them now and you’ll reap the benefit in 3 months’ time:

Vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant fighting the free radicals that attack your body. It is also exceptionally good for your heart, and studies show it can aid the fight against cancer. If you’re worried about premature ageing you should take Vitamin C as it helps to build collagen stores. Additionally, with flu and colds rife during the winter months a good intake of Vitamin C fights these illnesses, start now to protect during the colder months. RDA 40mg for adults, 25mg for children.

If you are prone to illness, try selenium which is an essential mineral that fights disease keeping your immune system healthy. The RDA is 200 mcg for adults.

Vitamin D, this is essential for healthy bones, the immune system and healthy eyes. Did you know that the UK’s population lacks good quantities of Vitamin D because our sunshine levels are low, especially in the colder months. The only way to absorb vitamin D is through sunlight or via a supplement. RDA 125 mcg for adults.

Iron, if you are low on iron there will be repercussions. You will feel lethargic, your hair, skin and nails will suffer and you could even end up with anaemia. Always check with your GP first before introducing extra iron as too much can be damaging. If you are a vegetarian or vegan you might be lacking in protein so need a little extra to maintain your energy levels. RDA 15 mg for women, 9 mg for men and 2-9 mg for children.

Vitamin A is superb for growth and strengthening the immune system but pregnant women shouldn’t rush to take it without advice from a GP first, like iron, too much can cause damage. RDA 600 mcg for women, 700 mcg for men.

Vitamin E protects cell membranes and is believed to fight the battle against heart disease as well as some cancers. It is good for your skin and because it hydrates, combatting dryness. It is unlikely you are deficient in this vitamin but boosting your intake is harmless. RDA 10 mg.

If you suffer from SAD then Omega 3 Fatty acid can help to boost flagging mood and keep you focused. Equalling B vitamins (B complex) are excellent if you suffer from anxiety and depression. RDA Omega 3 450 mg adults, RDA B complex 1.1 mg for women and 1 mg for men.

Hopefully, if you up your supplement intake (with guidance from your GP where necessary) you should have enough to stay fit and healthy and your body will reap the benefits!

Emma x

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