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Starbucks Hacks for Busy Mums

July 24th, 2017
Starbucks Hacks for Busy Mums
We could all use a little extra cash these days. Every penny saved can most definitely be put to good use (think cocktails and tropical sunsets). Being well aware that anyone in your nearby vicinity will regret it if you don’t get your morning Java, we have a few tips to enable you to have your cake and eat it too. No need to skimp on your cuppa joe – just be smart at how you go about it.

Starbucks Hack #1 – Size Matters

When ordering your filter coffee, order a small size. However, ask for it to be served in the next (larger) size cup. This way when you add your milk you have plenty of room to top it up and pretty much get a drink a size bigger anyway.

Starbucks Hack #2 – Refill

Did you know that when you buy a filter coffee you are able to get a free refill? This saving is more than just a drop in the ‘holiday savings’ bucket.

Starbucks Hack #3 – Bring Your Own Mug

Save 25p when you take your own cup.

Starbucks Hack #4 – Cheat the Iced Latte

As opposed to ordering an ordinary iced latte, rather ask for just a double shot of espresso served in a medium cup with ice. Make a whopping saving of £1.25 per cup by adding your own milk at the side bar and giving your DIY latte a good shake.

Starbucks Hack #5 – Never Pay for Water

Starbucks’ regular water is triple-filtered. When you can get this for free, why pay for a bottle of water?

Starbucks Hack #6 – Sharing is Caring

Share a Coffee Press pot of coffee amongst friends instead of each ordering your own drink. This serves a few cups and works out cheaper than ordering the drinks separately.

Starbucks Hack #7 – Cash-in on Your Birthday

As a Starbucks Rewards Member (don’t forget to sign up for free) you can claim a free drink on or within 30 days after your birthday. Since you’ve been saving all those pennies on taking your own mug to the store, why not order a lavish drink in a Starbucks cup for a birthday treat. We dare you.

Starbucks Hack #8 – Go for Gold

Registering for a Starbucks Membership Card is your ticket to freebies. Since you are reading this article in desperation to save on your Starbucks spending vice we assume you spend enough time there to load up massive points and save, save, save!

The benefits range from free refills, special offers and coupons, free drink or food rewards after every 15 purchases and mobile app payments. If you collect 50 stars (points) within 12 months you become a Gold Level Member and qualify for free extra shots, free syrups, coconut milk and free whipped cream.
Saving sounds pretty good right now. Anyone for an Iced Latte?

Helga x

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