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Cuteness Overload - 10 of the Cutest Baby Photos Ever!

July 12th, 2017
Cuteness Overload - 10 of the Cutest Baby Photos Ever!

from christmas hats to blowing bubbles - here are some of the cutest baby photos around!

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Obviously this little one had a hard day at the office and needed a lie down. Luckily someone had time to take a picture of this gorgeous baba as it slept! (https://www.askideas.com/25-very-cute-babies-pictures/)
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How beautiful is this little ones smile?! I just need to squeeze those gorgeous chubby cheeks! (http://www.somewherelost.com/10-baby-facts-that-will-surprise-you/)
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Could these two besties get any cuter? I love how warm and cosy babies look in their big, fluffy onesies! The bear ones are the cutest. (http://www.fatface.com/nightwear/sheep-fleece-onesie/invt/914639#ff_colour=Ecru?awc=5463_1499814444_cea95ddbad0aff910303b6f608d961d8&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=Awin&utm_source=ShopStyle+UK&source=79682&dtm_channel=aff&dtm_source=ShopStyle+UK&dtm_campaign=HighSummer&dtm_content=Editorial+Content)
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I can't get over how simply cute this little baby is whilst asleep! It's smile is just so precious and makes you realise how simple and beautiful life can be sometimes. (https://www.pinterest.co.uk/explore/cutest-babies/?lp=true)
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This cheeky smile is sure to be hard to resist! Babies can't half be so cute and gorgeous at times, including this little one whose beautiful laugh just lightens up any mood! (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ctcon)
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This red dress is so pretty on this gorgeous beauty! How cute does she look too? (http://freshwallpapers.net/cute/cute-little-baby-girl-in-red-dress.html)
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Santa hats don't look any cuter on anyone but little babies!
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This group of gorgeous babas look so cute in these Disney onesies! Tiger, Pooh and Eeyore!! (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/ArgosPromo3/includeName/disney-baby-shop-home.htm)
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When you already made plans with your bestie but she tells you she's invited someone you don't like! Loving this photo so much! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4veJwodm3o)
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How adorable is this little one! This picture is just so gorgeous! (https://www.pinterest.co.uk/explore/cute-babies-photography/)

Olivia x

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