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Little Hands Can Help

June 29th, 2017
Little Hands Can Help
"It's not what you do for your child, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that makes them successful human beings." ~ Ann Landers
Busy kids have overflowing energy and a stunning capacity to learn. Even though they are young, they have amazing-- and often ignored-- potential.

We often plop children in front of a movie, or shuffle them off to play outside. Kids enjoy and benefit from unstructured play time. Besides play, kids have fun working with people they love. Working together at home builds relationships, gives a sense of accomplishment and even makes a dent in the household cleanup.

Parenting expert Dr. Wendy Mogel says:

"Helping out at home raises self-esteem: when parents insist that their kids do their chores, they are letting them know that they are not just loved, they are needed."

Start early, but if the child isn't physically capable, try an easier task. Don't force it. Work at a young age should be fun and manageable. The job should create a sense of accomplishment. Before you expect a job well done, it needs to be patiently taught. Don’t try to teach your child to wash the dishes well or clean the floor when you are in a hurry, or because you are expecting company.

Quickly praise their good efforts, especially if they are working cheerfully with a no-quit attitude!

Involving your children in household tasks will:

Give them a sense of personal responsibility

Remind them that it is their home too

Build a habit of caring about their space

Allow the joy of meaningful work

Help them practice lifelong necessary tasks

Give a greater appreciation for playtime

Here is a starting list of suggested household tasks for young hands.

You can add other great ideas that best suit your home:

Ages 2-4:

Wipe down kitchen appliances

Throw things away

Fold small towels

Help set the table

Wash their toys in a soap-filled sink

Pick up toys

Ages 5-7:

Put dishes away

Shuffle clothes from washer to dryer

Wash small loads of dishes

Dump dirty laundry

Water household and garden plants

Sweep floors and stairs

Dump rubbish bins

Wipe down walls and doorknobs

Help in the kitchen

Do you have any other suggestions to add to the list?

Ages 8-10



Help chop vegetables and prepare meals

Weed garden

Take care of pets

Organize shelves and cabinets

Match socks

Mop floors

Clean and vacuum out the car

Wash dishes

Lisa x

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